My Reaction to Pinterest
So, last week, GeekyLibrary launched a Pinterest page. After spending my life a bunch of time on Pinterest this past week, this is my reaction: Typography is important.
So, last week, GeekyLibrary launched a Pinterest page. After spending my life a bunch of time on Pinterest this past week, this is my reaction: Typography is important.
All this past week, I’ve been posting on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter quotes from geeky books, in honor of Valentine’s Day. Now in one place, here is the complete collection. Also, we posted earlier three geeky books perfect for Valentine’s Day.
If you hadn’t heard, Redshirts by John Scalzi is coming to a television set near you. On Feb 7th, FX announced plans to adapt the novel into a limited run TV series. If they announced this over a week ago, why did it take so long for me to write about it? Actually, for at least […]
Whether its a nerdy sci-fi romance romance or advice on geek love, these three books are a perfect fit for a geeky Valentine’s Day. #1. The Geek’s Guide to Dating by Eric Smith (Quirk Books) “Having your heart injured by shrapnel, requiring you to wear an arc reactor just to keep it beating? Meh, maybe […]
“Tao, I think I love her. She’s hot and a geek.” -From "The Lives of Tao" by @wes_chu #VDayQuotes #GeekLove — GeekyLibrary (@GeekyLibrary) February 6, 2014 Next week, about 1:10 pm PST every day up until Valentine’s Day, I’ll be posting a quote from our geeky books that relates to romance, love, or relationships. Just […]
I took a moment to use Vine to capture how we build our quote library of 800+ quotes from geeky books. Currently our preferred method is to keep post-it note arrows close by while reading and use them to mark the spot. We enter them into our searchable database later to be used on Twitter […]
It’s that time of year again! The nominees for the 2013 Philip K. Dick Award were announced on January 10th, and once again, the GeekyLibrary crew plans to read all seven of the nominees and discuss them. There are plenty of good books published in 2013 that were eligible for this award. Since 1984, Norwescon […]
This was inspired by a conversation I had on Twitter last night. Library w/ ladders. MT @brokeandbookish: I will buy lots of books if I win #EsuranceSave30 & build a library & buy a house on an island. @GeekyLibrary yes! Then I can pretend I'm Belle like I always dreamed of as a child! — […]
Geeky book author Chris Godsoe, who wrote the recently published near-future sci-fi dystopia book pre://d.o.mai.n, answered a few of our questions about himself and his book. What makes you a geeky author? The truth is, that for the longest time growing up, I didn’t even realize I was a geek. I didn’t realize that toying with […]
Need to get a gift for a reader who also happens to be a geek? We completely understand. Although books are always a wonderful idea (check out our favorites), if they happen to be a geeky book geek, it could be hard to find the right one. So geeky book accessories for the win! Here […]
Self-proclaimed geek and author of The Geek’s Guide to Dating, (Dec 3, Quirk Books) Eric Smith, answered a few of our questions about himself and his most recent project. What makes you a geeky author? Well, I pretty much consider myself a full-time geek. By day, I work at Quirk Books, a publisher that loves putting out all kinds […]
Beyond the horror genre, there are plenty of books that capture the spirit of Halloween.