Spooky Quotes for Halloween Night From some freaky geeky books
Happy Halloween! Here’s a collection of spooky book quotes perfect for Halloween night.
Happy Halloween! Here’s a collection of spooky book quotes perfect for Halloween night.
Find out how many pages and how many books we read during the 24 hour readathon.
The two books we’re currently reading depicted by a single image.
Our 24-hour readathon is halfway complete, here’s our check-in.
Before the start of the Readathon, I freaked out and went to the library to make sure we didn’t run out of books
Kicking off the 24-hour readathon by answering a few questions
We’re pretty excited about taking part in Dewey’s 24-hour readathon this weekend. Taylor and I are both going to participate and we’re busy compiling our reading lists.
Believe it or not, geeky books are often the first to be banned, whether it’s Harry Potter, Fahrenheit 451, Hunger Games or the wide variety of comics that make the list.
For Taylor and I, one of the biggest highlights of the convention is just the seeing all these geeky people in one place.
The second day of Rose City Comic Con was just as great as the first– here are some selected photos from our second day.
The Geeky poetry slam featured a competitive face-off of eight geeky poets who tried to wield a silver tongue to win the hearts and votes of the crowd. The prize? Super-sweet Star Wars artwork.
Filled with comics and cosplay, the first day of Rose City Comic Con was quite a spectacle. View the photo gallery.