The tale of Lizzie Borden is pretty well common knowledge, right? There’s even a silly little rhyme about it.
“The specimen and the murders. The creatures who come, and the people in town who are likewise losing their battles with madness. They’re all connected. They’re all pieces of one large, awful puzzle.”
Think the speculation and history told you everything about why she killed her step-mother and her father? Think again.
Why is this on our bookshelf?
Maplecroft is one of the 2014 Philip K. Dick nominees. That alone deems it a must own book.
Rating (4 stars)
As a huge fan of alternate history novels, I knew I was going to like this.
The Lovecraftian overtones certainly didn’t hurt the story at all, and add the perfect amount of supernatural to the tale. Author Cherie Priest treats the lore behind the Borden family with respect, and presents another theory about what went on in that home (and in the town of Fall River) that is definitely on the odd side, but not completely unbelievable.
Read this book:
If you’re looking to add to the possible theories about why Lizzie Borden seemingly flipped her wig and murdered her family.
Don't Read this book:
If you’re traveling to Fall River and will be combing the shore for sea glass, or weird sea specimens.
Once you're done, do this:
If you’re not familiar with the Borden story, check it out on Wikipedia or other sources. it’s quite fascinating, and terribly sad.