In this, the second part to the Isaac the Fortunate series, the storyline follows Eostre, Isaac the Fortunate’s wife. Eostre is a novice in a German abbey that may be seeing the effects of The Delirium, but Eostre seems to be the only one having visions about it.
“The two forces crashed into each other, writhing and wrestling like squids with a million tentacles, fighting for control of the world.”
Eventually, Eostre finds herself caught between Father Wilhelm and Sister Johanna (who has been on Eostre’s case for a while), and the Abbess, who seems to know something about “mucking about in time” herself.
Why is this on our bookshelf?
Although it seems like the second book in the series, in reality, Spring is the continuation of A.Ka’s first Issac the Fortunate book, The Winter.
Note: We received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
Rating (4 stars)
Although I left the first book being sort of confused, and a little unsure about the structure of this story, by the time you see parts of The Delirium story through another person’s eyes, it all starts to become much clearer. Eostre is a good flawed heroine, often following her own moral compass even when she knows it might get her into trouble with the rest of the nuns. Eostre’s difficulty in following the rules of the abbey are contrasted clearly in her friend Ingrid, also a novice, and much better at following instructions.
The most interesting power struggle is between Sister Johanna and the Abbess. While Sister Johanna is a firm believer, and a firm rule follower, by about the halfway point, you start to realize that perhaps the Abbess knows more about what Eostre is seeing than she might let on.
Read this book:
If you’re fascinated by somewhat-well behaved nuns.
Don't Read this book:
if you went to Catholic school.
Once you're done, do this:
Raise an Elder god, just to see if you can.