This was inspired by a conversation I had on Twitter last night.
Library w/ ladders. MT @brokeandbookish: I will buy lots of books if I win #EsuranceSave30 & build a library & buy a house on an island.
@GeekyLibrary yes! Then I can pretend I'm Belle like I always dreamed of as a child!
— Jamie M. (@brokeandbookish) February 3, 2014
— GeekyLibrary (@GeekyLibrary) February 3, 2014
@brokeandbookish Like I’ve said before, Disney gave me unrealistic expectations of library, not love. I always dreamed of those ladders!
— GeekyLibrary (@GeekyLibrary) February 3, 2014

As a kid, I always thought I would have this library when I grew up: