GeekyLibrary at Norwescon 37

Someone suggested that a blog post could be created where notes could be posted from this panel, so… we did it.
Here are quick notes (un-spellchecked) from the Friday Norwescon panel “Best of Recent Science Fiction.”

This is an incomplete listing of the authors and/or books mentioned.

Ian Banks (recently passed away)
Peter Hamilton
J.J Vance
Margaret Atwood (her Sci-fi stuff)
Christopher Priest
Jeff Vandermeer
Ruth Ozeki
Loren Bukes
Max Gladstone
James S.A Corey (a pseudonym)
Paul Tobin
Brandon Sanderson
Ian Douglas
Cory Doctorow

Prepare to Die (Tobin)
Bronze Gods (Steampunky)
Altered Carbon
Agent to the Stars
Ancillary Justice
The Martian
Life after Life
Life on the Preservation