It’s been a strange year for the Hugo Awards, what with the controversy, but today is the final day for filling out a ballot and voting in the 2015 Hugo Awards.
For an overview of every finalist for the 2015 Hugo Awards, check out the 2015 Hugo Awards Voting Guide.
I made it through each category and I’ve filled out my final ballot. For the Hugo Awards, you can actually rank the finalists (and no award), but in this blog post, I’ll only be sharing the finalist in the top slot for each category.
Best Novel
I had a hard time choosing between The Three-Body Problem and my original top choice, The Goblin Emperor but put the latter in my top pick. You can see my reviews of the finalists for my thoughts on the other finalists.
Best Novella
I enjoyed some of the stories in this category, but didn’t think any were particularly award-worthy, hence No Award is my top pick.
You can read my review of the finalists.
Best Novelette
“The Day the World Turned Upside Down” is the story that stood out to me, but it wasn’t the only story I enjoyed.
Check out my review of the finalists for Novelette.
Best Short Story
I waffled between No Award and “Totaled” until I reread the story and it once again brought me to tears.
Clearly, it’s award material.
See my review of the Short Story finalists for more.
Best Related Work
I struggled through some of the works in this category and others had bits that were good but nothing was award-worthy. Sad, because I rather like this category. I had nominated works like What Makes This Book So Great and What If but nothing on the final ballot came close.
Sadly, I put down No Award.
Best Graphic Story
This was my favorite category to discover.
Although Saga is a new favorite, Rat Queens, Vol 1 takes the top spot on my ballot.
There were lots of great choices, so check out my reviews of the graphic story finalists.
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form
This was another hard category to judge with a lot of great nominees (all mainstream movies, although the category could include live theatre, video games or more). Ranking them was extremely hard, but No Award was definitely in last place. I enjoyed watching every single one of the finalists.
After being sure a movie made after a beloved toy of my childhood would certainly suck, I finally saw The Lego Movie during a GeekyLibrary movie night. It was awesome. Edge of Tomorrow was a great action flick that surprised me (but you’d never know it was based on a Japanese book, All You Need is Kill). Guardians of the Galaxy was hilarious, moving and epic and of all of them, eminently re-watchable. Captain America: The Winter Solider featured my favorite character from the Marvel movies and delivered a game-changing cold war conspiracy style plot.
But even among this amazing batch of finalists, Interstellar stood out. It was epic, moving, cinematic and original. It simultaneously reminded me of Contact, Gravity and 2001: A Space Odyssey.It has the best depiction of time dilation I have ever seen in a movie. It earns my top spot.
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
I’m tired of Game of Thrones, I love the Flash, but the pilot wasn’t the best episode, I stopped watching Grimm around season one so my top choice was between “Listen” (Doctor Who) and “By Means Which Have Not Yet Been Tried” (Orphan Black).
It’s tough. I thought “Listen” was the best Doctor Who episode in recent seasons, but Orphan Black is an amazing show that simply doesn’t get enough attention. Probably because of it’s name. Considering Doctor Who has a record number of wins, Orphan Black’s “By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried” gets my top spot.
Best Editor, Short Form
She made my original nominating ballot and she takes the top spot on my final ballot. Jennifer Brozek, the editor of the amazing anthology Bless Your Mechanical Heart has turned out a number of high quality collections lately. A hard working short form editor, her work is definitly award-worthy.
Best Editor, Long Form
For a casual fan, this is the hardest category to decided on and I’ve got to base my decision strongly on what was provided in the Hugo Packet. Of the information provided, Sheila Gilbert stood out strongly and gets my top spot.
Best Professional Artist

Right before the Hugo Finalists announcement, I fell in love with Planetary Alignment, by Julie Dillon. I don’t often buy artwork and considering I now have large piece framed and hanging on my wall, my top choice is abundantly clear.
That being said, Artemis by Kirk DouPonce is another favorite piece of artwork.
Best Semiprozine
I’ve consistently enjoyed the stories from Lightspeed Magazine, which makes the top spot on my ballot.
Best Fanzine
I’m not that impressed by the “fanzines” this year, but I’m a little biased toward a fellow book review site, which is why Elitist Book Review gets a top spot.
Best Fancast
After listening to episodes, it was a tough choice between the charming Tea and Jeopardy and the well-produced Adventures in SciFi Publishing. However, this year, Adventures in SciFi Publishing takes my top spot just for it’s quality and consistent episode release.
Best Fan Writer
I just don’t have much to say because none of the writing I read from the finalists for fan writing were that impressive to me. No Award takes the top spot in this category.

Best Fan Artist
Although many of the artwork produced by the finalists for fan artists are amazing, I’m especially taken by the jewelry designs of Spring Schoenhuth.
It would also be nice to see an artist who works in a different medium for once receive this award.
John Campbell Award for Best New Writer
There are a few emerging talents among the finalists, but one stands head and shoulders above the rest, in my opinion. Author of The Lives of Tao and the Time Salvager, Wesley Chu is definitely my top pick.
How could he not be? I recommend The Lives of Tao to people all the time!
I’m looking forward to Sasquan (the site of the 73rd Worldcon) and this year’s Hugo Award Ceremony. With everything that has gone on, it is anyone’s guess who the final award winner’s will be!