I took a moment to use Vine to capture how we build our quote library of 800+ quotes from geeky books.
Currently our preferred method is to keep post-it note arrows close by while reading and use them to mark the spot. We enter them into our searchable database later to be used on Twitter or for other purposes.

If its an ebook, that’s completely different. (I use the highlight function when I read on my Nook.)
I generally enter quotes in as I review them, so this also is a sneak peak of some books we plan to review soon.
Pictured books in order of appearance:
The Incrementalists by Steven Brust and Skyler White (Tor)
The Book of Barely Imagined Beings by Caspar Henderson (University of Chicago Press)
Gulp by Mary Roach (W.W. Norton & Company)
My Beloved Brontosaurus by Brian Switek (Scientific American)
Shakespeare’s Star Wars by Ian Doescher (Quirk Books)
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go enter quotes into our quote library.