hugo awardThe GeekyLibrary Crew enjoy the Hugo Awards, if only for bringing to our attention so many great sci-fi and fantasy novels.

Although we don’t always agree with the winners (one past winner only received 2 stars…) most of the time they bring amazing books to our attention.

In addition to trying to review past Hugo Award winners for Best Novel, we also stated back in April that we would try to review all the 2013 nominees before WorldCon at LoneStarCon.

The winner will be announced in a ceremony on September 1st. Here are the links to the reviews as we complete them.

The 2013 nominees for the Hugo Award for Best Novel:

Redshirts by John Scalzi

Redshirts2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson


Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance by Lois McMaster Bujold


Blackout by Mira Grant


Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed

Throne of the Crescent Moon, cover