GeekyBook Quotes of Romance and Love

Below is a special Valentine’s Day delivery from our GeekyLibrary bookshelves. This collection of quotes travels the different stages and aspects of romance, albeit sometimes in a very geeky way.

Love Stories and Other Romantic Geekery

Looking for a Valentine’s Day fit? When you think of GeekyBooks, romance is probably not the first thing on your mind. Robots and aliens, sure,  but true love? However, even in our modest collection of book reviews, I can pull out at least three books that feature love and relationships. The Mad Scientist’s Daughter by […]

Cities in the Sky: Revealing lost chapters in Science Fiction History

Crowd funding is an amazing concept and phenomenon because it puts the financial viability of a project into the hands of people who care. When we discovered filmmaker’s Issac and Marisa’s film project on Kickstarter, we cared. The documentary Cities in the Sky: Science Fiction’s Forgotten Visionaries promises to reveal pioneering science fiction authors whose […]

Bookish Resolutions

This past weekend, I was desperately reading books (finishing 5 in total) to bring myself up to my 2012 goal of reading 100 books. I was so determined to reach my goal that I visited a local bookstore and read a children’s book. I’ve been told I read fast like a freak, but this was […]

Alan Turing Reappears

After reading about World War II cryptanalyst Alan Turing in The Code Book not too long ago, I was a little surprised to see him reappear so soon in a book I’m currently reading. However, Alan Turing makes his appearance again in A Working Theory of Love by Scott Hutchins (review forthcoming). In this novel, […]

Geeky Pancakes

Jason and I were trying out a recipe from Cooking for Geeks over the weekend; Eigen Pancakes. “No one’s ever wrong on the Internet, so the average of a whole bunch of right things must be righter, right? The quantities here are based on the average of the eight different pancake recipes from an online […]